Promoting the importance of relationships across the care experienced community.

The Why Not Trust exists to promote, offer and support meaningful relationships for people who have experience of care.  Initially developed to focus on the relationships between young people moving on from care and those who cared for them and now focusing on the later periods in life when everyone needs support, especially when becoming a parent or a student.

Support and advance the wellbeing of care experienced people through promoting meaningful relationships, recognising and celebrating strengths and offering opportunities.

Create supportive communities where people can choose to reach out for support from the team and/or offer support to each other.  Communities where support is welcomed and stigma and discrimination are not.

Promote learning using positive storytelling.  Challenging inequalities, promoting positive practices and recognising the potential in everyone to make change happen and Keep the Promise.  


16 Jul 2024

New podcast

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24 Jun 2024

New podcast alert

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05 Jun 2024

Blog - The Power of Parent and Baby Fostering

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10 May 2024

We're Finalists - We need your vote - Vote for us in the Scottish Charity Awards

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